Friday, April 15, 2011

Smokehouse 100% Natural Small Chicken Kabobs Dog Treats, 7-Ounce Resealable Bag Right now

I would have given this product five stars and will if I see that they are going to be made in the USA. I have one pet who will not eat those that are not made here. He CAN tell the difference.
Please Smokehouse change your will have more sales!
Get more detail about Smokehouse 100% Natural Small Chicken Kabobs Dog Treats, 7-Ounce Resealable Bag.

Lowest Price Butler NutriSentials Lean Treats Nutritional Rewards for Cats

I received a package of these treats from the vet, as a "thank you" for patiently waiting for the vet to see my cat, Malcolm, and to use to coax him back into his carrier (after he got a medication injection and went ballistic). Malcolm is very picky. but he LOVES these treats. I'm glad to see them sold here since I'm almost out.Get more detail about Butler NutriSentials Lean Treats Nutritional Rewards for Cats.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Low Price 6 PACK Glyco Flex III (720 SOFT CHEWS) FREE Joint Treats

I have a Rotty with hip and joint problems. They were talking about surgery or putting him down because they could not believe he was still walking with the severity of his hip and knee problems. But he is a happy good natured dog and just takes it all in stride. We started him on the Glyco Flex III - 2 years ago and he is doing sooo much better. They have helped tremendously. He started running again and playing like a puppy. While it won't correct hip or knee defects, if your dog suffers from these or arthritis, I would HIGHLY recommend trying this product. My only complaint is they are supposed to be "soft chews" and alot of the time they arrive hard as bricks! I would recommend trying different vendors to see which can provide fresh "soft chews" delivered your area.Get more detail about 6 PACK Glyco Flex III (720 SOFT CHEWS) FREE Joint Treats.